May 03, 2025 – Election Day
Voting concurrent to seven (7) independent school districts in Navarro County, with election administered by Navarro County Elections Administrator, Allie Thomas.
Positions to be voted on:
DISTRICT 2: For a six-year term ending in 2031
DISTRICT 3: For a six-year term ending in 2031
DISTRICT AT LARGE 5: For a six-year term ending in 2031
December 16, 2024 -
Post Notice of Deadline to File Applications for Place on the Ballot. (Sec. 11.055, Texas Education Code.)
Candidate packets available in the Office of the Vice President for Finance in the Petroleum Building, Room 203, Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm.
November 14, 2024 - (no later than February 22, 2025 – 70th day before election)
Regular Board of Trustees Meeting.
Board adopts resolution to elect board members by position (Sec. 3.005, Texas Election Code).
January 15, 2025 - (30th day before the date of filing deadline)
First date to file for Place on Election ballot.
Also, Deadline for the College District to post a notice of the filing period dates in an administrative building (Navarro College Petroleum Building)
Candidates running for a board of trustee position must file campaign contribution and expenditure reports with the Vice-President for Finance and Administration. For further information about such disclosure filings, please contact the Texas Ethics Commission at PO Box 12070 Capitol Station, Austin, Texas 78711, or call toll-free at 1-800-325-8506, or log onto the website at
February 14, 2025 - at 5 p.m. (78th day before election)
Last date to file for regular application filing on ballot for election.
February 18, 2025 - at 5 p.m.
Deadline to file Declaration of Write-In candidacy in the general Election.
ORDER GENERAL ELECTION to be filed with election office.
Last day for write-in candidates to file declarations of write-in candidacy with Secretary of Board of Trustees (NEW LAW: Senate Bill 100 (2011) amended the write-in declaration deadline for most local entities to be the same day as the regular filing deadline)
February 20, 2025 -
First day to Post Notice of Drawing to be conducted on February 24, 2025.
(Notice must be posted for 72 hours immediately preceding the time of the drawing.) (Sec. 52.094(c), Election Code). Notices to be mailed to candidates before this date.
February 21, 2025 -
Last day for a candidate to withdraw to have his/her name omitted from ballot. (Secs. 145.092(a) and 145.094(a)(2))
(NEW LAW: The new general rule for withdrawal deadlines for city, school district, and other local elections is 5:00 p.m. of the third day after the regular filing deadline.)
Recommended first day an election may be cancelled IF all filing deadlines have passed and each candidate for an office listed on the ballot is unopposed (Sec. 2.052)
March 4, 2025 - (60th day before election).
Last day to deliver General Election Order, to deliver notice of the election to the County Clerk/Elections Administrator and Voter Registrar of the county (Sec. 4.008).
April 3, 2025 - April 23, 2025 -
Publish "Notice of Election" in Corsicana Daily Sun
(Sec. 4.003 Election Code - no earlier than 30 days or later than 10th day before election). (Must publish on NC website - 3 days prior to early voting).
Post Notice of Election on Website.
April 12, 2025 - (21st day before election)
Last day to post notice of election on bulletin board used for posting notices of meetings of governing body (Election Code 4.003(b)) - (Navarro College is governing body).
5:00 pm - Deadline for opposed candidates to File 1st Report of Contributions and Expenditures Campaign Expense Report. (not required if less than $930.00—as of 1/1/2021)
April 17, 2025 -
Last date for opposed candidates to File 2nd Campaign Expense Report (no required if less than $900.00)
April 19, 2025 -
Post Early Voting Schedule
April 22, 2025 - (12th day before election)
First Day of Early Voting in person at Election Administrator's Office in Navarro County Annex.
April 22-25, 2025 (7:00am - 7:00pm)
April 28, 2025 (8:00am - 5:00pm)
April 29, 2025 (1:00pm - 7:00pm)
April 29, 2025 - (4th day before election)
Last Day of Early Voting at Navarro County Courthouse by personal appearance. (Sec. 85.001(a), Election Code)
May 3, 2025 -
Last day to Receive Ballot by Mail
Election Day 7:00am - 7:00pm
May 9, 2025 -
First day to conduct local canvass of returns by governing body. (Notice must be posted 72 hours prior to canvass)
First day newly elected local officers may assume the duties of office.
May 14, 2025 -
Last day to canvass by governing body.
July 20, 2025 -
Last Day Candidates File Final Campaign Expense Report due.
Print Board of Trustees Order of Events