Title IX Staff and Title IX Training
Title IX Staff
For more information or to make a complaint regarding sexual harassment or sexual misconduct, please contact our office.
Hannah Cope, Director of Academic Compliance
Title IX Coordinator
Drane Hall, Room #115
(903) 875-7623
Marcy Ballew, VP of Operations
Title IX Deputy Coordinator - Personnel
Richard Sanchez Library (First Floor)
(903) 875-7330
Brand Ford, Professor of Math
Title IX Deputy Coordinator - Students
Waller Building, Room 104
(903) 875-7521
Lee Owens, Director of Student Development
Title IX Investigator
Gibson Hall
(903) 875-7681
Title IX Team Training
The Navarro College Title IX Team have obtained initial and ongoing training on Title IX from the following sources:
Anatomy of a Title IX Determination: Strategies for Sound Decisionmaking
Nine’s Out: Sifting through the Clues and Conducting Thorough Title IX Investigations
Take One: The 2020 Title IX Rules Basic Training for Higher Education
Other Title IX Training
Navarro College also provides training for all staff in the "Our College. Our Responsibility" course in the Navarro College Canvas LMS platform.
All students of Navarro College are expected to complete Title IX training as provided in the Sexual Violence Prevention program available through the Navarro College Counseling Center website: https://interwork.sdsu.edu/echeckup/svp/campus/navarrocollege. Additional information is shared with students through New Student Orientation, newsletters, emails, the Navarro College Residence Hall Manual, and the Navarro College Student Handbook.